Student Intervention & Attendance » Parent Resources: Suicide Prevention Resources

Parent Resources: Suicide Prevention Resources

Are you a student?
We have an entire series of self-care and wellness activities for you. Check them out.
Suicide & Crisis Tips
If your student is having a life-threatening mental health issue, please call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.
Looking for more help?

student mental health

parent mental health part 2
spanish parent version
spanish parent2
Additional Suicide/Crisis Resources for Parents:

Wellness Education Lab- Online Training Modules

Wellness Education Lab is now offering free online training for students (ages 13+) or their parents in the areas of mental health and wellness. Click here to begin these excellent online trainings. 
The state of California has free therapy options for all California students (age 0-26). Explore BrightLife Kids (age 0-12) or Soluna (ages 13-26).
Hazel Health
Hazel Health
Crisis Hotlines
Office of Student Intervention & Attendance
Office: 760-868-5817 
Office Hours: 7:30 am to 4:00 pm