Directory of Departments » Directory of Departments

Directory of Departments

Snowline operates through various departments working together to support our communities.


Department Director
Business Services Andrea Padilla
Student Learning & Support Services Pamela Buchanan
Preschool/After School Jane Chase
Nutrition Services Janice Carter
Student Services Pam DeRenard
Transportation Danny Medford
Maintenance & Operations Richard Dawson
Purchasing/Reprographics/Warehouse Denise Gleason
Risk Management Robert Chacon
Instructional Technology Rick Hernandez
School Police Todd Espindola

New Department Phone Number Extensions

District Office (760) 868-5817
Ext. 2 - Transportation
Ext. 3 - Student Learning
Ext. 4 - Human Resources
Ext. 5 - Business Offices
Ext. 6 - Maintenance Facilities
Ext. 7 - Technology
Ext. 8 - School Police
Ext. 9 - Superintendent Office