Board Members

It is with great pride we welcome you to another school year in the Snowline Joint Unified School District. Our teachers, classified personnel, site and district administrators have been making preparations for your children to have an exciting, worthwhile learning experience.
The Snowline Board of Trustees wants to afford you and your children every opportunity to succeed and with that goal in mind, have established procedures to clarify any misconceptions or questions you may have regarding policies and practices at the school sites and district office.
We recommend that any concern regarding your student first be addressed with his/her teachers, then the site administrator, and if necessary, at the district office prior to electing to submit a formal written complaint. Historically, the vast majority of problems are solved at the site level with the teacher. If you feel the situation warrants formal attention, contact the district office at 868-5817, ext. 10112, for additional information regarding submission of a formal complaint, as outlined in Administrative Regulation 1312.1.
We are proud of the Snowline Joint Unified School District and look forward to working with the teachers, support staff, administrators, students, parents, and community to provide the best educational program possible for our students.
The Snowline Board of Education
The Snowline Board of Trustees wants to afford you and your children every opportunity to succeed and with that goal in mind, have established procedures to clarify any misconceptions or questions you may have regarding policies and practices at the school sites and district office.
We recommend that any concern regarding your student first be addressed with his/her teachers, then the site administrator, and if necessary, at the district office prior to electing to submit a formal written complaint. Historically, the vast majority of problems are solved at the site level with the teacher. If you feel the situation warrants formal attention, contact the district office at 868-5817, ext. 10112, for additional information regarding submission of a formal complaint, as outlined in Administrative Regulation 1312.1.
We are proud of the Snowline Joint Unified School District and look forward to working with the teachers, support staff, administrators, students, parents, and community to provide the best educational program possible for our students.
The Snowline Board of Education
Please click the link for the Trustee Area Map