Staff Wellness Program - Planet Fitness Discount Membership

Planet Fitness, home of the Judgement Free Zone, is excited to offer a special membership discount to you, and your family members and friends.
This offer is available to new and current members. Discounts may vary for current members.

Black Card Membership:
$24.99 per month, no annual fee, no enrollment fee, & no commitment fees
Classic Membership:
$10.00 per month, $49 annual fee, no enrollment fee & no commitment fees
Online Sign Up:
1. Go to
2. Select one of the participating locations (see page 2)
3. Click “Have a Promo Code?” under Plans & Pricing, and select your membership type
- For Black Card discount, enter the following promo card: CORPBC
- For Classic discount, enter the following promo code: PFCORP10
4. Complete membership sign-up details
5. Download the Planet Fitness mobile app or visit the club
1. Go to
2. Select one of the participating locations (see page 2)
3. Click “Have a Promo Code?” under Plans & Pricing, and select your membership type
- For Black Card discount, enter the following promo card: CORPBC
- For Classic discount, enter the following promo code: PFCORP10
4. Complete membership sign-up details
5. Download the Planet Fitness mobile app or visit the club
In Club Sign Up:
Present this flyer to front desk staff and ask to join with the above promo codes.
Present this flyer to front desk staff and ask to join with the above promo codes.
Already a member? Questions?
Please contact your local Planet Fitness listed below. If you do not see a participating location in
your area, you can sign up for a Black Card at a participating location and use any location in
the US/world.
Please contact your local Planet Fitness listed below. If you do not see a participating location in
your area, you can sign up for a Black Card at a participating location and use any location in
the US/world.
Contact the Health & Wellness Team
We can help you:
- Put personal health & wellness goals into practice
- Learn more about your health & wellness resources
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10158
💬(760) 540-1827
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10157
💬(760) 540-1893
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10156
💬(760) 540-0836
Chaparral High School
Eagle Summit Day School Serrano High School
Snowline Academy
Baldy Mesa Elementary
Heritage School
Phelan Elementary
Piñon Mesa Middle School
Piñon Hills Elementary
Quail Valley Middle School
Vista Verde Elementary
Wrightwood Elementary
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10155
💬(442) 243-7359
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10160/ 21053
💬(760) 540-1946
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10159
💬(760) 540-1992
Baldy Mesa Elementary
Heritage School
Quail Valley Middle School
Wrightwood Elementary
Foster & Homeless Youth
Serrano High School
Phelan Elementary
Piñon Hills Elementary
Piñon Mesa Middle School
Vista Verde Elementary
Have a question about your specific benefits?
Log into Benefit Bridge to see current plans and details or contact the Payroll Department for more information.