Job Fair on June 26th We hope to see you at our Job Fair @ Pinon Mesa Middle School from 2-5:30p on Monday, 6/26.
Local Control and Accountability Plan Survey! Students, parents, staff, and the Snowline community! We need your feedback! Please take a few minutes to take our LCAP Survey.
5/18/23 Snowline Update! We are in the second half of May already and the end of the school year will arrive before we know it. I find these times to be incredibly busy for students, staff, and families. Stress is a real issue, particularly for our students. Take advantage of our physical, mental, and emotional wellness resources on our website to help your children better navigate the challenges of the last weeks of school.
Pinon Hills Preschool in session on Tuesday 5/8 Pinon Hills Preschool open for learning tomorrow, 5/9!
See you at school today! Happy Friday!We can't wait to see everyone back at school today! We hope you have a great final day of March!