Resources » Community Building

Community Building

Get started with classroom and community building this August with these recommended activities and resources.

Warm Welcomes

Warm Welcomes

      1. Pick a funny meme image from the link above to display.
       2. Ask students to share their ratings
       3. Discuss as a class/table/etc...  
      1. Introduce a quiet signal and go teach routines (talking "stick," etc...)
      2. Ask an easy, no-risk getting to know you question (favorite ice cream, pizza topping, etc...)
      * Need help getting started with morning meetings? Read through the link above

engaging strategiesEngaging Strategies

  • Kagan Structures for ClassBuilding with all content
            Find Someone Who (page 6.32)
            Inside-Outside Circle (page 6.38)
            Mix-Freeze Group (page 6.44)
            Mix-Pair-Share (page 6.46)
            Stir the Class (page 6.48 bottom left)
            Quiz-Quiz-Trade (page 6.56)
            StandUp-HandUp-PairUp (page 6.74)
            Chapter 10 in the Kagan book is ENTIRELY on team building & includes blackline masters :)
  • Teach an Attention Signal (call and response, hand in the air, clapping pattern, etc...)
      As an optional extension, have table groups work together in creating a new signal based on current culture trends
       Acting as maître d', the teacher calls participants to form "tables” where they "dine" (exchange ideas) with a variety of groups.

optimistic closures Optimistic Closures

      Students have respond to one of three questions on a post-it: Who is someone who helped you today? Who is someone who was on fire today? Who is someone who made you feel better today? Then share
-Non-writers modification: print pictures of your students with their names and have them grab the picture that answers the question.
  • Teach a "1st Grade Student"
      Students share a quick recap in groups about the day's concepts as if they were transferring their knowledge to a "first grade student." (change language for very young kids to "how would you tell this to your little baby brother or sister")
      Quick closing activity circle (or from tables) that allows students to share as they feel led.

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We've got you covered. Check out more community building resources for: 
Secondary Resources
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