Social Emotional Learning - October 2023
Families & Students: Looking for resources? We've got you covered.
Red Ribbon Week Curriculum
(October 23-31, 2023)
Stop Walk Talk/Expect Respect Curriculum
Students will be taught in all grades to respond to bullying or frustrating behavior by following the procedures STOP WALK TALK. Stop. Students will ask the person to stop. Walk away. If the behavior continues, students walk away. Talk. If the behavior continues, students talk to a trusted adult.
- K-5 Lesson | 6-8 Lesson - teachers, show this in class
- Classroom Posters K-5 | 6-12 (11x17) & K-5 Bookmarks- teachers, print or request from [email protected]
Contact the Health & Wellness Team
We can help you:
- Learn more about CASEL's 5 Competencies & resources
- Put personal health & wellness goals into practice
- Brainstorm challenging student behavior
- Tailor lesson plans & ideas to your grade-level/subject
- Create or modify Social Emotional Learning lesson plans
- Teach and coach with model lessons
- Analyze student data for behavioral trends and interventions
- Learn more about PBIS (and support your PBIS teams)
- Learn more about Restorative Practices
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10158
💬(760) 540-1827
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10157
💬(760) 540-1893
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10156
💬(760) 540-0836
Chaparral High School
Eagle Summit Day School Serrano High School
Snowline Academy
Baldy Mesa Elementary
Heritage School
Phelan Elementary
Piñon Mesa Middle School
Piñon Hills Elementary
Quail Valley Middle School
Vista Verde Elementary
Wrightwood Elementary
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10155
💬(442) 243-7359
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10160/ 21053
💬(760) 540-1946
☏ (760) 868-5817 ext.10159
💬(760) 540-1992
Baldy Mesa Elementary
Heritage School
Quail Valley Middle School
Wrightwood Elementary
Foster & Homeless Youth
Serrano High School
Phelan Elementary
Piñon Hills Elementary
Piñon Mesa Middle School
Vista Verde Elementary
CASEL and Social Emotional Learning Overview
Watch this video about the 5 Core Competencies of SEL:
Best Practices for all Five CASEL Competencies